
Yuval Grossman, Aharonson, Oded , Shaar, Ron , and Kletetschka, Gunther . 2020. Experimental Determination Of Remanent Magnetism Of Dusty Ice Deposits. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 545, Pp. 116408. . Publisher's Version
Y. Ebert, Shaar, R. , Levy, EJ , Zhao, X, Roberts, AP , and Stein, M . 2020. Magnetic Properties Of Late Holocene Dead Sea Sediments As A Monitor Of Regional Hydroclimate. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Pp. e2020GC009176. . Publisher's Version
Ron Shaar, Bechar, Shlomit , Finkelstein, Israel , Gallet, Yves , Martin, Mario AS, Ebert, Yael , Keinan, Jonathan , and Gonen, Lilach . 2020. Synchronizing Geomagnetic Field Intensity Records In The Levant Between The 23Rd And 15Th Centuries Bce: Chronological And Methodological Implications. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Pp. e2020GC009251. . Publisher's Version
Chen Zeigen, Shaar, Ron , Ebert, Yael , and Hovers, Erella . 2019. Archaeomagnetism Of Burnt Cherts And Hearths From Middle Palaeolithic Amud Cave, Israel: Tools For Reconstructing Site Formations Processes And Occupation History. Journal Of Archaeological Science, 107, Pp. 71–86.
Maayan Shemer, Crouvi, Onn , Shaar, Ron , Ebert, Yael , Matmon, Ari , Horwitz, Liora Kolska, Eisenmann, Véra , Enzel, Yehouda , Barzilai, Omry , Team, ASTER , and others, . 2019. Geochronology, Paleogeography, And Archaeology Of The Acheulian Locality Of ‘Evron Landfill In The Western Galilee, Israel. Quaternary Research, 91, Pp. 729–750.
Nicole Behar, Shaar, Ron , Tauxe, Lisa , Asefaw, Hanna , Ebert, Yael , Heimann, Ariel , Koppers, Anthony AP, and Ron, Hagai . 2019. Paleomagnetism And Paleosecular Variations From The Plio-Pleistocene Golan Heights Volcanic Plateau, Israel. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
R. Shahack-Gross, Shaar, R. , Hassul, E. , Ebert, Y. , Forget, M. , Nowaczyk, N. , Marco, S. , Finkelstein, I. , and Agnon, A. . 2018. Fire And Collapse: Untangling The Formation Of Destruction Layers Using Archeomagnetism.. Geoarchaeology, 33, Pp. 513-528. . Publisher's Version
R. Shaar, Hassul, E. , Raphael, K. , Ebert, Y. , Segal, Y , Eden, I. , Vaknin, Y. , S., Marco. , Nowaczyk, N. , Chauvin, A. , and Agnon, A. . 2018. The First Catalog Of Archaeomagnetic Directions From Israel With 4,000 Years Of Geomagnetic Secular Variations. Frontiers In Earth Sciences, 164. . Publisher's Version
Y. Ebert, Shaar, R. , Emmanuel, S. , Nowaczyk, N. , and Stein, M. . 2018. Overwriting Of Sedimentary Magnetism By Bacterially Mediated Mineral Alteration. Geology, 46, Pp. 291-294. . Publisher's Version
M.D. Stillinger, Feinberg, J. , Ben-Yosef, E. , Shaar, R. , Hardin, J.W. , and Blakely, J.A. . 2018. A Rejoinder On The Value Of Archaeomagnetic Dating: Integrative Methodology Is The Key To Addressing Levantine Iron Age Chronology. Near Eastern Archaeology, 81, Pp. 141–144. . Publisher's Version
R. Shaar, Tauxe, L. , Goguitchaichvili, A. , Devidze, M. , and Licheli, V. . 2017. Further Evidence Of The Levantine Iron Age Geomagnetic Anomaly From Georgian Pottery. Geophysical Research Letters, 44. . Publisher's Version
R. Shaar and Ben-Yosef, E. . 2017. Paleomagnetic Geochronology Of Quaternary Sequences In The Levant. In Quaternary Environments, Climate Change, And Humans In The Levant.
E. Farchi, Ebert, Y. , Farfurnik, D. , Haim, G. , Shaar, R. , and Bar-Gill, N. . 2017. Quantitative Vectorial Magnetic Imaging Of Multi Domain Rock Forming Minerals Using Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers In Diamond. Spin, 7. . Publisher's Version
E. Ben-Yosef, Milman, M. , Shaar, R. , Tauxe, L. , and Lipschits, O. . 2017. Six Centuries Of Geomagnetic Intensity Variations Recorded By Royal Judean Stamped Jar Handles.. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences. . Publisher's Version
Ron Shaar, Tauxe, Lisa , Ron, Hagai , Agnon, Amotz , Ebert, Yael , and Finkelstein, Israel . 2017. The Tel Megiddo Paleointensity Project: Toward A High Resolution Reference Curve For Archaeomagnetic Dating. In Megiddo Vi. Tel Aviv: Tel-Aviv University.
Ron Shaar, Tauxe, Lisa , Ron, Hagai , Ebert, Yael , Zuckerman, Sharon , Finkelstein, Israel , and Agnon, Amotz . 2016. Large Geomagnetic Field Anomalies Revealed In Bronze To Iron Age Archeomagnetic Data From Tel Megiddo And Tel Hazor, Israel. Earth And Planetray Science Letters, 442, Pp. 173-85. . Publisher's Version
L. Tauxe, Shaar, R. , Jonestrask, L. , Swanson-Hysell, N. L, Minnett, R. , Koppers, A. AP, Constable, C. G, Jarboe, N. , and Gaastra, K. . 2016. Pmagpy: Software Package For Paleomagnetic Data Analysis And A Bridge To The Magnetics Information Consortium (Magic) Database." Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (2016).. Eochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. . Publisher's Version
R. Shaar, Tauxe, L. , Ben-Yosef, E. , Kassianidou, V. , Lorentzen, B. , Feinberg, J. M, and Levy, T. E. 2015. Decadal-Scale Variations In Geomagnetic Field Intensity From Ancient Cypriot Slag Mounds. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 16, Pp. 195-214. doi:Doi 10.1002/2014gc005455. Publisher's Version Abstract
Geomagnetic models based on direct observations since the 1830s show that the averaged relative change in field intensity on Earth’s surface over the past 170 years is less than 4.8% per decade. It is unknown if these rates represent the typical behavior of secular variations due to insufficient temporal resolution of archaeomagnetic records from earlier periods. To address this question, we investigate two ancient slag mounds in Cyprus-Skouriotissa Vouppes (SU1, fourth to fifth centuries CE, 21 m in height), and Mitsero Kokkinoyia (MK1, seventh to fifth centuries BCE, 8 m in height). The mounds are multilayered sequences of slag and charcoals that accumulated near ancient copper production sites. We modeled the age-height relation of the mounds using radiocarbon dates, and estimated paleointensities using Thellier-type IZZI experiments with additional anisotropy, cooling rate, and nonlinear TRM assessments. To screen out ambiguous paleointensity interpretations, we applied strict selection criteria at the specimen/sample levels. To ensure objectivity, consistency, and robust error estimation, we employed an automatic interpretation technique and put the data available in the MagIC database. The analyses yielded two independent subcentury-scale paleointensity time series. The MK1 data indicate relatively stable field at the time the mound accumulated. In contrast, the SU1 data demonstrate changes that are comparable in magnitude to the fastest changes inferred from geomagnetic models. We suggest that fast changes observed in the published archaeomagnetic data from the Levant are driven by two longitudinally paired regions, the Middle East and South Africa, that show unusual activity in geomagnetic models.
R. Shaar and Tauxe, L. . 2015. Instability Of Thermoremanence And The Problem Of Estimating The Ancient Geomagnetic Field Strength From Non-Single-Domain Recorders. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America. . Publisher's Version Abstract
Data on the past intensity of Earth’s magnetic field (paleointensity) are essential for understanding Earth’s deep interior, climatic modeling, and geochronology applications, among other items. Here we demonstrate the possibility that much of available paleointensity data could be biased by instability of thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) associated with non-single-domain (SD) particles. Paleointensity data are derived from experiments in which an ancient TRM, acquired in an unknown field, is replaced by a laboratory-controlled TRM. This procedure is built on the assumption that the process of ancient TRM acquisition is entirely reproducible in the laboratory. Here we show experimental results violating this assumption in a manner not expected from standard theory. We show that the demagnetization-remagnetization relationship of non-SD specimens that were kept in a controlled field for only 2 y show a small but systematic bias relative to sister specimens that were given a fresh TRM. This effect, likely caused by irreversible changes in micromagnetic structures, leads to a bias in paleointensity estimates.
E. Ben-Yosef, Shaar, R. , Tauxe, L. , Levy, T. E, Kassianidou, V. , and Lorentzen, B. . 2014. Archaeomagnetic Investigations Of Copper Slag Deposits In Cyprus. In Studies In Mediterranean Archaeology, Introduction To The Archaeometallurgy Of Cyprus. Uppsala: Astrom Editions.